Wednesday, September 28
Monday, September 26
Friday, September 23
Evening Meal
Sorry if your hungery but I'm going to be all happy now with this inside of me so I don't care...

Thursday, September 22
Comfy Cat

A bit more information about the cat:
Her name is Sophie. We became International Cat Rescue when we bought her back from the island of Corfu (our honeymoon), she was very ill and where told she would probably die. Jax nursed her back to health and she got flown home. I think most of our problems we've had with her are due to her only speaking Greek, but I think she picked up a little bit of English now. Mainly "SOPHIE NO!"
6 Months Old
Any way happy 6 months PJ only other 6 more and you'll be 1 year old, its hard to believe.... I'm a Dad.
Labels: PJ
Tuesday, September 20
Ain't he Cute

But I'm here now, cup of coffee on my desk and e-mails to read.
Labels: PJ
Monday, September 19
Bagel Time
I have noticed on a forum that I often visit a interest in the sandwiches that my wife makes for me each day (and very grateful to her I am for them). With people saying that I seem to have very 'interesting' lunches, so as you can see today I will mostly be eating a Brussels pate and cucumber onion bagel.
Screen Door Challenge
So is my memory shot and I'm confused about what skill I did have? I am I becoming decrepited and I don't have the same capabilities I did have 10 years ago? I am I really making to much of this and I should put it down to just having a bad day. I don't know, and now that I've written this out I'm not sure I really care that much. Its done and built, I've voiced my views and I can go back to my day feeling some what vented. Oh attached is a pic of the lovely door... ain't it grand.... (I've also corrected my bad spell now).
Friday, September 16
My love of a good blog

I'll drink my coffee now, not that you can call it that as it comes from a machine and I'm sure its made from dried hamsters or something, but its free. Like most people if someone tells me its free I'll have a go at it.
Oh do you like the cup for my coffee, its mainly to ensure that no one steals it, not sure if the little analogy it true. Can you work out where I work???
Something to say
The only thing I will say is that I really need to get rid of my Kawasaki GT750, I just don't enjoy riding the bike. And it drinks a bit to much fuel for my liking, well compared to my SV. The GT I get about 45-49mpg, where as my SV was doing 55-60 mpg. I was thinking of a bandit 600, as its a nice small engine and shouldn't be to juicy but will be large enough to give me a decent spread of power. Plus I should be able to get a half decent one at a good price. But I'm open to other suggestion's.
Thursday, September 15
Testing my e-mail blogging
Ain't this great, you don't even need to be at you blogger 'Dashboard', you can blog via e-mail. This means I can blog anywhere in the world, maybe even from my mobile phone. Not sure why'd I'd do that but I'm one of these people that loves this sort of stuff. Anyway back to work now learning HP-UX and all you fokes out there keep blogging.
Please feel free to add you comments and links to your blogs, I'll try to have a look and say Hi.
Dan aka Your Future World Ruler.
Wednesday, September 14
He's a bit of a Screamer

Labels: PJ
Fuel shortage and my hunt for some.
On my trip home last night I drove past many garages either closed or with signs up show they had no unleaded. Something I also found at my usal fuel stop of ASDA Havant which you'll see in the first picture. This ment I had to drive over to Tesco Havant, which was open but had no unleaded.
So I look forward to my fuel hunt again tonight.
Tuesday, September 13
Having a MRI
Today I had a MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging ), which I will go into but first I'll add a little detail as to why I need a MRI:
4 months ago I got recovered for a flat tyre... The bike fell off the transporter when it was being loaded, I was on the bike guiding it under the operators request. He ran out of push. Bike fell off (no where to put my feet as I was on a single ramp). Had to claim on my insurance as they are being funny about it. Going though a solicitors as my knee is stuffed too, thus the need for a MRI.
Now the MRI was at the Bupa Hospital Portsmouth as I'm rather lucky to have a company health plan, so I was able to get it sorted quickly. The MRI machine was in a truck trailer as you can see from the picture.

Your New World Ruler

I'm going to rule the world, and I would like you all to sign up and join me. I offer the following advantages.
- One person to blame for all your problems, even if I tell you your all wrong.
- No more wars, as thier's only one ruler.
- No more religious problems, I'm god and you all bow down to me and I'm always right.
- No more third world.. just one world... under my rule.
- No more Royal family.. I rule they are nothing.
- No more corrupt rulers... Just one big ruler.. me and I've got no one to be corrupt with.
- No defence force as there is nothing to defend against. Invest the spending else where.
- Huge police force, to keep you lot in line and get all those thieving little toe rags.
- One language... Danglish. Everyone will be taught it.
- No lower/middle/upper class. There's just you the rulies... and me.. the ruler.
- Everyone drives on the left, everywhere.
- One currency, Dounds
- No company monopolies.. If I don't like it I send the lads in.
- No world hunger, I will take from the really rich to give to the poor.
- Extra lane on the motorway, just for bikes.
- Planned colonization of Mars.
- No Road tax.
- No prisons, get caught, get sent to the moon penal colony, soon to become Monstralia.
- Drugs, stuff your body up as much as you like, but you won't get any medical support. Your choice.
- I'm great....
- My Son needs a family business to 'rebel' against, just like Dr Evil's son in the Austin Powers films.