Tuesday, November 29
Friday, November 25

They looked pretty cool to me, PJ and his new 'teddy' ears.
He does look rather happy about it though.

Labels: PJ
Thursday, November 24
A New Song to Sing.

At the moment I've be singing 'Hush Little Baby', 'Would You Like To Swing On A Star', and 'Somewhere Over A Rainbow'.
How about some suggestions..... oh and a need the words to print out as I have a terrible memory.
Labels: PJ
Wednesday, November 23
Its to cold.. and set to get colder.

Thursday, November 17
Mobile on the Move
Some of you may not be aware but in the UK now its illegal to use your hand held mobile phone while driving. Something us bikers are glad of, as car have enough distractions with out them driving with one had on the phone to the there partner/lover/boss/both/eta, and not seeing us.
But it seems the closer I get to London the less this law applies to the people around it. Today I had to resist the urge as I filtered though traffic (not illegal I might add) to tell some woman off. I was thinking of tapping on the window and saying something.. but what????? " Excuse me, do you mind paying attention to the road please, some of use are trying to get from A to B without betting knocked off."
And if she ignored me? Rev the bike until she hangs up?... mmmh sounds like a plan.
Feel free to add some more suggestions.
(repeated in my other blog as I thought it was important)
But it seems the closer I get to London the less this law applies to the people around it. Today I had to resist the urge as I filtered though traffic (not illegal I might add) to tell some woman off. I was thinking of tapping on the window and saying something.. but what????? " Excuse me, do you mind paying attention to the road please, some of use are trying to get from A to B without betting knocked off."
And if she ignored me? Rev the bike until she hangs up?... mmmh sounds like a plan.
Feel free to add some more suggestions.
(repeated in my other blog as I thought it was important)
Monday, November 14
Taken the Plunge

Though most of SuSe seems to be fine it appears the version I have is rather old, with SuSe now being at version 10 and I'm on 9.1. Plus I'm not sure I like how it looks and feels, so I may have to have a look at some of the other versions, like RedHat or something.... Any suggestions anyone?

Friday, November 11
Thursday, November 10
PJ's not been well

All the symtons he had, we've also been told that his lungs are now scarred for life so if he gets any other chest infections then it may sound very hoarse and have a very bad cough. I wasn't able to go to the hospital with Jax, something I feel rather bad about. But I've had rather a lot of time off work and I'm a little concerned for my job, as my managers not happy about it all. So I had to attend as we can't afford me to loose it, but it still don't make me feel any better.

Labels: PJ
Tuesday, November 8
Monday, November 7
Fancy Dress Party

I went as Sir Jimmy Saville and Jax went as Cruella DeVille, as you can see from the rather lovely photo.
There where lots of other people there but I only managed to get thse pics on my camera phone, the others I have yet to off load from the digital camera. They are my Cousin Lee and his G/F Yvette, Aunti Leslie and Yvette again, and my Uncle Alan. They went as the Scooby Gang, Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy. Though Lee stole my glasses so in the first pic he looks a bit like Michael Caine.

Thursday, November 3
You know your a old man when....

And they set the tiles free!

Wednesday, November 2
Busy, Busy, Busy.
I know I haven't blogged much lately, but I've had rather a busy week at home and alot of work on so there hasn't really been the time.
Me, Jax and PJ are planning to go up Portsdown hill in Portsmouth (probably with a few hunderd other people) to watch the anual fireworks. But looking at the weather it could be rather a damp affair so we might just watch them from our back garden, it only down the road so we should be able to see it just fine. Plus as I won't be home till 7:30 I might have a little trouble rushing to get up there. Might have some pic's if it all goes well.
Me, Jax and PJ are planning to go up Portsdown hill in Portsmouth (probably with a few hunderd other people) to watch the anual fireworks. But looking at the weather it could be rather a damp affair so we might just watch them from our back garden, it only down the road so we should be able to see it just fine. Plus as I won't be home till 7:30 I might have a little trouble rushing to get up there. Might have some pic's if it all goes well.