Fancy Dress Party

I went as Sir Jimmy Saville and Jax went as Cruella DeVille, as you can see from the rather lovely photo.
There where lots of other people there but I only managed to get thse pics on my camera phone, the others I have yet to off load from the digital camera. They are my Cousin Lee and his G/F Yvette, Aunti Leslie and Yvette again, and my Uncle Alan. They went as the Scooby Gang, Fred, Daphne, Velma and Shaggy. Though Lee stole my glasses so in the first pic he looks a bit like Michael Caine.

It's Yvette, Leslie, Cruella DeVille and Jimmy Saville Check your spelling lol.
fight fight fight fight
check your title..... it's FANCY not FANCEY
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