you get excited about the idea of saving money via 'Morrisons Miles' card. The scheme means that for every litre for fuel I buy I get 15 Morrisons miles, and once I've got 4995 miles on a single card I get 5 pounds back on me shopping. Oh ain't it great, and it will only take me 25 days. So how much fuel do I use?? Sums anyone? (corrected)
You get 15 MMs per litre, and you need 4,995 MMs for a £5er discount. So, to fill each card needs 4995/15 = 333 litres. You take 25 days to fill a card, so you use 333/25 = 13.32 litres a day. 13.32/4.5 = 2.96 gallons a day. Your bike probably does around 40 - 43mpg, so you ride around 120 - 130 miles a day.
I live in Portsmouth, Hampshire with my gorgeous wife Jax, and our lovely son PJ (Peter John) and our equally lovely daughter Josie.
I'm in my 40's now (75), working in the IT sector. Most of the time building, configuring and designing UNIX/Linux servers for various companies. IBM, SSE, CLS and lots more. In my own time, not the bit that involves home, kids and other such things I like to paint and draw. A mix of digital art at the moment and miniature painting. I also own a couple of motorcycles, though they don't see the time they once did.
A selection of my favorite words are: Coracle…. (Small, ancient, round boat. Just fits one). Oscillate…. (To rotate back and forth). Badger…. (Self-explanatory I think). I also like the word ‘perpendicular’ too, though Jax did have to explain it to me.
It's sums, not math!!
You get 15 MMs per litre, and you need 4,995 MMs for a £5er discount. So, to fill each card needs 4995/15 = 333 litres. You take 25 days to fill a card, so you use 333/25 = 13.32 litres a day. 13.32/4.5 = 2.96 gallons a day. Your bike probably does around 40 - 43mpg, so you ride around 120 - 130 miles a day.
Green bear to Ed please :D
Green bear? Well done.. I'll give you a gold star ;-)
Crap, I figured it to be 655CC per diem
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