I've done it, I've installed Linux. I've split the disk into 2 partitions and put Linux on the second partition. Seems to be working well, able to get on to the internet and all the attached devices are working. Installed Mozilla OK, though I have been unable to get the 'Open Office' software to work and share my printers over the network.
Though most of SuSe seems to be fine it appears the version I have is rather old, with SuSe now being at version 10 and I'm on 9.1. Plus I'm not sure I like how it looks and feels, so I may have to have a look at some of the other versions, like RedHat or something.... Any suggestions anyone?
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about!
Well I've been recomended Mandriva Linux.. so I'll be givin that a go.
Man driver? Oh you're leaving yourself exposed here, matey!!!
me? never...
threatening... it was only marmite..
Ok.. now I'm confused.
ok.. bizzare..
SuSE is the brand we use around here, Dan. They have an FTP instal method that can get you their latest and greatest without having to actually download and burn ISO files.
RedHat (or, if you want it free, the Fedora project) is damn sweet as well.
SuSE was the primary proponent of th KDE desktop, which I like quite a bit. But they both come with GNOME, which is the one seemingly most popular in the West.
We're a Novell shop, and since they bought SuSE I'm required to be well versed in it, however.
Whatever, they all seem pretty sweet these days compared to Windums.
You could also try knoppix (sp), which is a CD booted Linux environment. Doesn't require a hard drive install at all, but will allow you to mount and access your local storage after the boot. We use it as a utility CD for rescuing messed-over systems.
I'll bear those in mind... cheers..
Anchored said...
I want the blog so I can post my dog recipes and related information and pictures here. Boiled poodle. Roast poodle. Plucked poodle. Broken poodle. Burned poodle. Etc.
I want to change my blog above to afishinjapan. I'll cover all manner of hideous dog subjects. I hate dogs and waggin dog tails. A fishinjapan is a better URL for my blog.
6:18 AM
By the way, she's got a dog grooming shop called Lucy Wagtails. It's on the High Street in the town where she lives, Walsall. Imagine a public person like her being so depraved. I wonder if her husband knows. Next time I'm up in Birmingham from London (I'm there fairly frequently in the year), I'll stop by for a chat to see what she's got up her ass, to see what her problem is.
She's apparently created another blog to claim that I hate and harass dogs. Keep in mind that this is a young woman with a child!!!
Ring a bell? It's very obvious it's you, don't embaress yourself further by denying it Dan.
Err...... what the hell is that all about????? What a froot loop....
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