Ok, I'm getting sick of it now, cold, painful fingers, cold toes, cold knees, cold jumpy bike. So I'm out at lunch looking to see what extra winter gear I can get. Probably that tasteful accessory the handlebar muff, but hey, its warm hands that I'm looking for. Oh and a coat hanger, to stiffen it out else I might find it pressing my brakes at high speed!

As for the bike... it will be getting some Silkolene Pro FST, hopefully get rid of that anoying carb icing problem. The previous owner had given me some
Well FST should do the trick:
'Pro FST - Fuel System Treatment for all scooter and motorcycle engines. A fully effective carburettor de-icer which also guards against cold start engine wear and fuel system corrosion. Combats carburettor sticking and jet blocking. Effective in all unleaded and leaded fuels. Suitable for 2 and 4-stroke engines. Also combats minor pre-ignition effects.'
When I'm in S'bury the trip is only a few miles so the bike never warms up properly but I get frozen all the same so I need some muffs too. Fashion King Ed, that's me :D
What part of the UK are you at? I didn't think it got that cold south of Scottland.
We're enjoying our first snow of the year hereabouts.
Wassup, Knightrider
Sounds like 'wintering' bikes is a bit like 'wintering' boats.
Do bikers get to be miserable gits too during the winter months?
If you go to any of the sailing sites in the northern hemisphere right now, everybody is bitching and moaning...hehe he
I've been out and about on the bike in temps of -5, even snow. I'm located down South at Portsmouth.
Yer we moan, I don't mind the rain to much, it the cold that gets me. Makes my pinkys ache.
below 200.. only when its raining.
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