Tuesday, May 29

Hairy Face...

The story continues, as my face gets hairier, and hairier. I'll post some pic's later...
But I've noticed that I now fiddle with it through-out the day, twisting and pulling the long hairs. Sometimes tugging them right out, with a momentary pin of pain as the little hair follicle gives up. What's that all about?
Annoyingly the hair on the left* of my face grows down in a nice uniform fashion, while the hair on the right** seems to lay horizontal. Its annoying because it means its all unsymmetrical. But is this strange of me, am I thinking about this to much, seems I'm becoming a bit anal-retentive when it comes to my beard?
I'll be naming it next...

Jax has bought me a rather nice beard trimmer so I can keep it all ship shape and Bristol fashion.

* my left, not your left, but your right.
** my right, not your right... Oh I think you get it now.


Sunday Airsofting

Well it was all very last minute with me going airsofting in the tunnels under Portsdown Hill. Which was part of the underground HQ for Navy during WWII, lots of information about it can be found on the web.

I only had about half a hours warning to turn up, so really didn't think to hard about what I needed and didn't bring a jacket, gloves or a hat. Not cus it was cold but some more protection might well have not left me with all these lovely marks about my person, ones on my nipple and back on my head hurt the most.

Overall I have a good day though it was very long, starting at 10am and finishing at gone 5pm. Very atmospheric site, and it kept us out of the bad weather as it was raining most of the day. Though these being old tunnels meant that they where rather damp as the water runs in from the hills. There is a mixture well light rooms and almost pitch blackness which meant I could easily hide in my black gear and pick people off. Very handy as I was only armed with a Glock and allot of patience.
Overall a great day for my first time, and should hopefully be going again.


Saturday, May 12

Tea and Biscuits

We had some bikers over this weekend for tea, biscuits and cake. It was a good day...

Tea and Biscuits

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