Sunday, October 30
Trip to Portsmouth

Thursday, October 27
Lovely Photo

Labels: PJ
Tuesday, October 25
He's my son that's for sure.

Labels: PJ
And a funny thing happened to me on the Sofa last night
It was so funny I 'mutleyed' ( I think that's right you know the 'snigger' laugh)... So I'd better explain why. Well the cat was sat on my lap and I was eatin Maltesers in one of those bags with the stick down seal. I was going to close the bag when Jax grabbed the sticky label seal and stuck it to the cats head, only lightly. The cats head shot up and her ears when a bit flat, but the best bit was the way she went 'bos' eyed and just sat there with me sniggering. About 30 sec's must have past while she tried to make her mind up about what to do and just as I was about to take it off she shot off in to the kitchen where it fell off. I can't remember the last time I laughed like that, am I cruel to find that funny? But later on she was all purry again and settled down on my lap, this time without risk of having things stuck to her.
Monday, October 24
Friday, October 21
First Day Back
Well today is my first day back at work after 3 weeks off with a duff hand, after the ride in this morning and the bike breaking down my wrist is a little sore. Though it seems my thumb (which I broke the year before) is giving me the most pain, nothing to bad. As the for bike it seems one of the HT leads is buggered (see my other blog bikersview) so I'll have to get that sorted this weekend.
Anyway lots more e-mails to read...
Anyway lots more e-mails to read...
Wednesday, October 12
Cat lovin

Tuesday, October 11
Monday, October 10
Wednesday, October 5
Complete lack of blogs
I know I've been rather lacking in my blogs over the last few days, but as I've been at home due to my sprained hand (should be back to work friday) I've not had that much time to write. Hopefully it should build back up over the next few weeks, so keep blogging....