Wednesday, February 16


Train was late again this morning, as it seems to be most days.  Your able to rely on one thing and that is a late train, anyway enough moaning, heres a little photo I snapped once it turned up.
The Times or Metro sir?

Friday, February 11

Biscuit Perfection.

Ah the glorious Custard Cream.

Friday, February 4

It's Friday

Morning all, off to get breakfast. IT'S FRIDAY!


Waiting at the station this morning figured that I'd fill the time with a few photos. First of each set is the original then me playing with a few modes on the camera.

Wednesday, February 2

Royal Exchange

More HDR mode.

A View from London Bridge

More playing with the HDR mode on my camera phone, seems a rather nice app. Think it's the best thing I've download from the andriod store.

Tuesday, February 1

St Pauls at night HDR

Playing with my phone camera before I catch my train