It was PJ's first birthday this month and we had a little party, some family where invited over. Finger food and cake was eaten and some pictures where taken. Of which I'll be adding onto here, also that day we took him to Play Zone. A sort of kiddies 'soft' play park indoors, which he seemed to love. We chased him around, played in the ball pit, let him shout a bit, stare at the other toddlers and generally have a good time. Great fun, he even loved going down the big slide on the mat between my legs...
Labels: PJ
A BelatedHappy B'day PJ ")
u got a sweet sweet child buddy ")
and 1 question too..
i nerd for bikes or for mileage "p
Keep postin
That ball-pit looks FUN!
They seem to have eliminated them entirely outside of private homes here in the states.
Some paranoia about hygeine and safety, I suppose.
shame... when we where there they where just putting clean balls in the pit as they clean them every few days.
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